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Deploy module from source code


To get started locally, follow these instructions:

  1. Make sure that you have Virto Commerce Platform installed
  2. Make fork from the latest module source code from{module-name}.git
  3. Clone to your local computer using git
git clone{module-name}.git

Building Module

Build Backend

Build Backend from CLI

To make a local build:

  1. Open console
    cd src/VirtoCommerce.{module-name}.Web
  2. Build
    dotnet build -c Development

Build Backend from Visual Studio

  1. Open VirtoCommerce.{module-name}.sln in Visual Studio
  2. Build Solution

Build Frontend


While building the solution the first time from the Visual Studio, npm references should be installed and webpack should be built automatically. This would be done if Web project have this nuget package added - VirtoCommerce.BuildWebpack. It adds webpack build target to the project, which create frontend bundles on initial build. In case of changing frontend part, explicit local build would be required to pack style/script bundles.

To make a local build

  1. Open console
    cd src\VirtoCommerce.{module-name}.Web
  2. Install the dependencies
    npm ci
  3. Build frontend application
    npm run webpack:build
  4. Watch changes
    npm run webpack:watch

Initial Configuration

Add directory link to VirtoCommerce.Platform.Web\Modules, so the platform can read module manifest and load it:

mklink /d VirtoCommerce.Platform.Web\Modules src\VirtoCommerce.{module-name}.Web


Restart the Platform to load the new module assemblies into the Platform's application process.

Backend Debugging

  • Install and run platform as described in steps above.
  • Open the module solution in Visual Studio and attach the debugger to the VirtoCommerce.Platform.Web.exe process.


Frontend Debugging

  • Frontend supports debugging in Chrome.
  • Open Developer Console
  • Open Source Tab
  • Navigate to {module-name}/./Script/



There is tests folder with suites which can be run locally.

Last update: April 26, 2021