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Extending authorization policies

VirtoCommerce supports extension of existing authorization policies that are defined and checked in the Api controllers and other places. This article shows how to use the various techniques to extend exist authorization policies type without direct code modification.

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Extending existing authorization policies

Let's say we have this authorization checks in the OrderModule. And we want to extend the default OrderAuthorizationHandler is associated with this requirement OrderAuthorizationRequirement that is called during this authorization check with a new policy that will limit the resulting orders by their statuses. To be able create a role that allows for concrete users see orders only with specific state(s).

You can read more about how the authorization policies work by this link Policy-based authorization in ASP.NET Core


 public async Task<ActionResult<CustomerOrderSearchResult>> SearchCustomerOrder([FromBody] CustomerOrderSearchCriteria criteria)
            var authorizationResult = await _authorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(User, criteria, new OrderAuthorizationRequirement(ModuleConstants.Security.Permissions.Read));
            if (!authorizationResult.Succeeded)
                return Unauthorized();
In order to make this extension we need to define a new CustomOrderAuthorizationHandler class and use the same requirement OrderAuthorizationRequirement as it used in the original controller method for authorization check.


 public sealed class CustomOrderAuthorizationHandler : PermissionAuthorizationHandlerBase<OrderAuthorizationRequirement>
        //Code skipped for better clarity
The next step you need to register your handler in the DI to tell for ASP.NET Authorization to call your handler along with another that are associated with OrderAuthorizationRequirement requirement.


 public class Module : IModule
        public void Initialize(IServiceCollection serviceCollection)
            //Rest of code skipped for better clarity 
            serviceCollection.AddTransient<IAuthorizationHandler, CustomOrderAuthorizationHandler>();

After this point the custom CustomOrderAuthorizationHandler along with another registered handlers will be executed each time when OrderAuthorizationRequirement being checked by this call

IAuthorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(User, data, new OrderAuthorizationRequirement());

Additional resources

Last update: March 4, 2021