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Style Guide


Virto Commerce Platform Style Guide will help you develop consistent modules for the platform. You can use existing styles described in our online Style Guide or you can add additional styles using the rules described below.


This methodology was developed so every developer can easily make changes to CSS styles in a consistent manner. There is a set of rules to follow in order to keep the CSS in a consistent state:


Module name should match the module to have good understanding of what it stands for.


Inner module classes should be implemented only as part of the module:

.block-module {}

.block-module .element-module {}

.block-module {}

.element-module {}


There are four module layers styles:

  • Reset.css: Base of styles. Default styles reseted, fonts set, base sizes are set in this layer. 
  • Base modules.css: Base elements, forms and buttons are defined in this layer.
  • Project modules.css: Module styles isolation layer. Concrete module style defined in this layer.
  • Cosmetic.css: Minor modifications of colors, and links are defined here.

Naming conventions

"-" - word separator (eg. “input-field”)

"_" - logic part separator (eg. “toolbar_logo”)

"__" - separator modifier (eg. “module_list.__modifier”)

Module modifier example

Say you have a module defined:

.module {}

.module .module-t {}

.module .module-decsr {}

Once you need the module to become red, you have to add modifier selector __red:

.module.__red {}

In order to use the styling properly you should become familiar with the Multilayer CSS organization methodology.

Last update: December 30, 2020