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Manage Organizations

Create New Organization

  1. The user browses the Contacts Module and clicks the ‘Add’ button;
  2. The system will display the ‘New contact’ screen and prompt the user to select the Contact type;
  3. The user selects ‘Organization’;
  4. The system will open the ‘New Organization’ screen:
    1. ‘Name’ field- required;
    2. ‘User group’ field with possibility to add a new group. Default values:
      1. VIP;
      2. Wholesaler;
    3. Widgets:
      1. Addresses;
      2. Emails;
      3. Phones.
    4. ‘Business category’ field;
    5. ‘Description’ text box;
    6. ‘Create’ button remains disabled until the required fields are filled out.
  5. The user fills out the fields and widgets displayed on the screen and clicks the ‘Create’ button;
  6. The system will create the new Organization and display it in the list of contacts.

Fig. Create New Org

Fig. Create Org

Org Created

Edit Organization

Add User Group to the Organization

  1. The user clicks the ‘Edit’ icon for the ‘User Groups’;
  2. The system will open the ‘Member groups dictionary’ screen (Manage dictionary values):
    1. ‘Please enter value’ field- required;
    2. ‘Add’ button disabled by default until the required filled is filled out.
  3. List of current values followed by check boxes and possibility to select a value;
  4. The user enters the name of the new value and clicks the ‘Add’ button;
  5. The new value will be added and displayed on the list;
  6. The user saves the changes and the new value will be displayed in the drop down list under ‘User groups’.

Fig. Edit User Group

Add Address to the Organization

  1. The user selects the ‘Addresses’ widget on the ‘New Organization’ screen;
  2. The system will open the ‘Edit address’ screen:
    1. ‘Address name’ field;
    2. ‘Address type’ drop down;
    3. Billing;
    4. Shipping;
    5. Billing& Shipping;
    6. ‘First name’ field- required;
    7. ‘Last name’ field- required;
    8. ‘Country’ drop down- required;
    9. ‘Region’ field- required;
    10. ‘City’ field- required;
    11. ‘Address line 1’ field- required;
    12. ‘Address line 2’ field;
    13. ‘Zip code’ field – required;
    14. ‘Email’ field;
    15. ‘Phone’ field;
    16. ‘Cancel’/ ‘OK’ buttons.
  3. The user fills out the form and clicks the ‘OK’ button;
  4. The system will add the new address that will appear on the list of Organization addresses.

Fig. Add Address

Add Email Address to the Organization

  1. The user selects the ‘Emails’ widget on ‘New Organization’ screen and clicks ‘Add’;
  2. The system will display the required email input text field;
  3. The user enters the email address and clicks ‘OK’;
  4. The system will add the entered email and display it on the ‘Manage emails’ screen.

Gig. Add Email

Add Phone Number to the Organization

  1. The user selects the ‘Phones’ widget on ‘New Organization’ screen and clicks ‘Add’;
  2. The system will display the required email input text field;
  3. The user enters the phone number and clicks ‘OK’;
  4. The system will add the entered phone and display it on the 'Manage phones' screen.

Fig. Add phone

Last update: February 1, 2024