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Working with User Manager

VirtoCommerce security system is fully based on ASP.Net Identity framework. All security services are derived from Identity classes and extend its functionality.

Identity User Manager is a class used for managment security accounts with no direct access to the security DB context. In VirtoCommerce, it has a custom implementation, VirtoCommerce.Platform.Web.Security.CustomUserManager. Role Manager has a custom implementation as well: VirtoCommerce.Platform.Web.Security.CustomRoleManager.


The custom User Manager is registered in the DI as the UserManager type. To prevent multithread proplems, you should use a factory to get User Manager:

services.TryAddScoped<UserManager<ApplicationUser>, CustomUserManager>();
services.AddSingleton<Func<UserManager<ApplicationUser>>>(provider => () => provider.CreateScope().ServiceProvider.GetService<UserManager<ApplicationUser>>());

You can create a specific User Manager implementation by creating a class inherited from CustomUserManager or AspNetUserManager directly and registering it in the DI in your own module:

public void Initialize(IServiceCollection serviceCollection) 
  serviceCollection.AddScoped<UserManager<ApplicationUser>, MyCustomUserManager>();

CustomRoleManager is registered in the same way.


You can get both user and role managers by adding a respective factory to your service constructor:

    public class MyCoolService 
        private readonly Func<UserManager<ApplicationUser>> _userManagerFactory;
        private readonly Func<RoleManager<Role>> _roleManagerFactory;

        public MyCoolService(Func<UserManager<ApplicationUser>> userManagerFactory, Func<RoleManager<Role>> roleManagerFactory)
            _userManagerFactory = userManagerFactory;
            _roleManagerFactory = roleManagerFactory;

        public void DoMyCoolWork()
            using var userManager = userManagerFactory();
            using var roleManager = roleManagerFactory();


In common cases, you do not need to get user or role manager directly by type. Use factories to create a manager just before an operation.


Check out these articles for more information on user and role management:

Last update: August 19, 2022