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Introduction and glossary

Most of the blades in Virto Commerce platform contain lists or data entry forms. Typically the data entry form is made of static HTML code with AngularJS bindings.

This strategy comes with the following drawbacks:

  • impossible to add new UI elements without changing the source code
  • impossible to update existing UI without changing the source code
  • most of the content is produced by copy-pasting HTML code leading to maintenance problems in the future. Data entry forms could potentially loose common "look and feel".

In order to eliminate the above, a new AngularJS component - metaform - was developed.

  • metaform is a placeholder (container) control that renders UI content based on provided metadata.
  • meta-field is a JavaScript object defining metadata for a single logical element inside metaform being rendered.

Using metaform

Metaform is implemented as 'vaMetaform' AngularJS directive and has the following features:

  • render UI elements in a rectangular area and typically should be placed inside a form
  • has customizable column count. The rendering takes place from left to right (columns) and from top to bottom
  • occupies all the available width and has auto height
  • supports simple input types and custom templated elements as well.
  <va-metaform registered-inputs="blade.metaFields" blade="blade" column-count="2"></va-metaform>
Parameter Description
registered-inputs Reference to metadata (meta-fields)
blade Reference to parent blade
column-count Number of columns to arrange the rendered elements (optional)

Registering meta-fields

Meta-field registration directly in blade:

blade.metaFields = [
  name: 'isApproved',
  title: "Is approved",
  valueType: "Boolean",
  isVisibleFn: function (blade) {
    return !blade.isNew;
  name: 'status',
  templateUrl: 'statusSelector.html'
  name: 'startDate',
  isReadOnly: true,
  title: "Data created",
  valueType: "DateTime"
  name: 'customerId',
  title: "orders.blades.customerOrder-detail.labels.customer",
  templateUrl: 'customerSelector.html'

Meta-field registration can also be done by using Platform-level factory. That way any module can access and change the fields displayed inside the metaform:

  1. Reference 'platformWebApp.metaFormsService' (as metaFormsService) in your module's run method;
  2. Create meta-field definitions and register them using 'metaFormsService.registerMetaFields' method.
                        name: "isAdministrator",
                        title: "Is admin",
                        valueType: "Boolean"

Meta-field data structure

Single meta-field has the following structure:

Parameter Description
name property name to bind to. It's bound to blade.currentEntity.<> under the hood.
title Label value. Can be simple text or a key to localized resource.
valueType Type of auto generated input control. Supported values: ShortText, LongText, Integer, Decimal, DateTime, Boolean, SecureString, Url, Email, Html.
isRequired The required property value of auto generated input control. (false by default)
isReadOnly The flag to disable value changing of auto generated input control. (false by default)
templateUrl URL for custom content template. If specified, this template is rendered instead of auto-generated content.
isVisibleFn Function to control meta-field visibility. Meta-field gets rendered only if this function returns true or this function is not defined.

Last update: September 7, 2020