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The Payment Module provides the ability to extend payment provider list with custom providers and also provides an interface and API for managing these payment providers.

Key Features

  1. Register payment methods using the code;
  2. Receive the list of payment methods on UI in VC admin;
  3. Edit payment method settings;
  4. Connect the payment methods to a Store.
  5. The selected payment methods will be available for selection on the Storefront;
  6. API to work with payment method list.


View Payment methods

  1. Go to More->Stores-> select a Store;
  2. In the opened Store details blade select the 'Payment methods' widget;
  3. The registered payment methods will be displayed on 'Payment methods' blade;

Payment methods

Edit Payment Method

  1. Select a Payment method from the list on 'Payment methods' blade
  2. On 'Edit Payment method' blade you can edit the following parameters:

    1. Activate or de-activate the Payment method using the 'Is Active' button;
    2. Make partial payments available for clients on the Storefront by switching on the 'Is partial payments available' button;
    3. Once the editing is finished, save the changes made;
    4. All changes made in VC admin will be displayed on the Storefront.

Edit Payment method

Edit Settings

  1. Select the 'Settings' widget on 'Edit payment method' blade;
  2. The 'Payment method logo url' can be edited;
  3. Save the changes if you have edited the payment method settings.


Last update: February 1, 2024