Home Virto Commerce blog Best 14 B2B eCommerce Platforms: Expert Review

Best 14 B2B eCommerce Platforms: Expert Review

Mar 4, 2024 • 7 min

The quality of digital customer experience is increasingly becoming a decisive factor influencing the competitiveness of B2B companies. That is why a lot depends on the right choice of B2B ecommerce platform.

Most vendors aim to position their platform as the best B2B platform that will solve all customer’s problems. The challenge is that the right choice of platform depends not only on the properties of the platforms, but also on the business context in which the company operates. Unfortunately, there is no best platform for everyone.

This article is based on a methodology that takes into account the key factors on which the choice of platform depends and provides some recommendations for each vendor. You can use the recommendations provided "as is" or use the methodology and platform descriptions for your own critical analysis.

B2B eCommerce Platforms: Explanation and Market Overview

B2B ecommerce is more than the simple online sales we are used to seeing every day. As opposed to straight peer-to-peer sales or ordering another T-shirt on B2C Amazon, B2B ecommerce can be referred to as a complex process of two or more companies' cooperation where one provides another company with convenient services to purchase everything they need. This includes personalized pricing, clear documentary, unrivaled service, simple money flow, deep safety, and other essential things. All industries, from distributors to manufacturers in various businesses like B2B, B2B2C, B2G, and more, need these capabilities. 

All this and all related effects like customer loyalty, revenue growth, and business scaling depend on the B2B ecommerce software capabilities. This is why choosing one that is not "perfect for all" but 100% fits your business is an essential though challenging task. 
Let's see what is happening in the market today to evaluate the choice correctly. 

The global B2B ecommerce market size in 2023 is close to USD 10.09 billion¹ and is expected to grow twice by 2030 (USD 22 billion). Though the APAC region makes up to 80%² of all B2B ecommerce sales globally, other regions also keep growing in value and market share. For example, the USA grew its B2B ecommerce volume by 2 billion dollars³ in the 2019-2021 period and kept growing. Overall, it is expected to reach 1.8 trillion US dollars⁴ in 2024. 
With major players⁵ like Amazon Business, DIYTrade, eBay, ChinaAseanTrade, and WorldTrade, other B2Bs are fighting for the best customer loyalty, each trying to disrupt the market and get a bigger share. 

The future of this market is an orientation on the buyer, artificial intelligence, and constant innovation.⁶

Let's see which B2B ecommerce platform features help the market leaders keep their first prize in this run and earn more while spending less.

Key Features of a Great eCommerce Platform For B2B

Realizing your needs for the best B2B ecommerce

Before we move to the list of the B2B ecommerce key features, it’s important to mention that the first thing to do is realize which features you are really going to need and why. We genuinely believe there is no silver bullet for all; this is why, besides selecting the best features and capabilities, we have also developed a methodology on how to realize what you need.

We described it in detail here but will provide a few core considerations in this article. Before you start thinking about features, you have to answer three questions: 

  • Am I going to be disrupted? 
  • What is my business goal? 
  • How much investment am I ready to contribute? 

The risk of disruption by competitors is the biggest market risk today. Once you realize your competitors innovate, you will also need innovation. In this case, all these capabilities listed below will help you on your journey to success.

As for the depth of these capabilities, businesses must start with their needs and goals.

There is no guarantee you will need ALL of these capabilities at once: analyze your needs before deciding. 

And, finally, your investment readiness. It’s important to realize that the modern TCO doesn’t include implementation cost as the main part. All you need to care about is the cost of maintenance or further innovation. Choosing the modern system, businesses will definitely need to innovate. And will have to pay for it. So consider this first.

Now, let’s see which B2B ecommerce platform features are necessary for everyone ready to scale and innovate. 

B2B commerce platform modularity

When the proper architectural framework is selected, modularity paves the way for expansive multi-regional growth, greater action flexibility, and smoother innovation. 

Comprised of standalone elements that possess the flexibility for individual alterations and separate deployments, modular approaches like Virto Atomic Architecture™ surpass monolithic strategies, which hinder the organization's capacity to tackle its obstacles effectively.  

Headless architecture of B2B ecommerce platforms

A headless design broadens the horizons for omnichannel support under a singular ecommerce umbrella. Headless means a seamless integration of diverse channels tailored for distinct audiences and all their peculiarities.

Headless architecture is about a complete separation of the front end and back end, with their communication facilitated through APIs. This capability helps to easily and risk-free integrate into any business configuration. 

Integrations and third-party B2B eCommerce platform support

Great B2B ecommerce solutions should be able to integrate with other platforms and solutions via APIs. Third-party apps support guarantees the business can choose which solutions to use and ensure smooth data transfer between them. The API-first approach allows for integration with any third-party solution. 

Unique enterprise scenarios and customization

In today’s world, it is essential to be unique. The corporate ecommerce system should cater to distinct scenarios and enable the realization of any complex scenario without constraints. The important question is how much each of these scenarios is going to be.  

It all depends on the ability of a platform to customize. Here, we mean that the correct customization allows us to build unique scenarios based on the efficient extensibility framework without code disruption and saving upgradability. 

Powerful extensibility framework of B2B sales platform

At the best best B2B ecommerce platforms, effective extensibility framework equips development teams with the knowledge to aptly introduce new business functionalities and augment the current ones, all while ensuring the platform's upgradeability remains intact, and the latest stable version is maintained. 

B2B platform localization and multi-regional support

An enterprise ecommerce platform should be primed for localization, catering to multiple regions. This entails supporting a variety of fiat and cryptocurrencies, diverse payment methods, and ensuring the catalog is multilingual for product descriptions and attributes. 

Best B2B ecommerce cloud-native approach

Cloud-native implies that the solution was conceived from the outset for cloud deployment, capitalizing on all the technological perks that come with it. Merging cloud-native attributes with modularity addresses numerous intricate issues in enterprise ecommerce, like scalability, multi-regional implementation, and data privacy concerns. 

Open source B2B ecommerce platform

Open source provides a transparent lens into the foundation of a solution. Developers can open and read this code and understand the whole logic of the solution. Error rectification becomes more direct in open-source platforms. Moreover, with open source, one can directly tweak the code, offer it to the overarching platform project, and anticipate a swift vendor response. 

The specific role of personalization in B2B ecommerce system

All these features contribute to the necessary personalization. 

71% of customers⁷ expect personalization, and 78%⁸ will repurchase from those who offer personalization.

83% of marketers⁹ believe personalization is challenging, but as we can see from the platform capabilities above, it all depends on your software. 

Top 14 B2B eCommerce Platforms for 2024: The Expert Review

With the inclusion of our expertise and methodology, we aim to provide a fresh and insightful take on each platform's strengths and weaknesses. Our comprehensive evaluation will empower readers to make informed decisions tailored to their specific business requirements and select the best B2B ecommerce platforms.

During our assessment process, we investigate each platform as deeply as possible and provide data-based pros and cons only. All the recommendations are based on the criteria mentioned above. 

Start of Your Journey with B2B Sales Platform

Here, we discuss the best B2B ecommerce platforms that small businesses can use successfully. They also fit the bigger ones who start their digital journeys and need to learn how it works. Once you read our methodology, you will clearly realize what kind of platform you are going to need. 

B2B ecommerce platform choice technology

B2B ecommerce platform choice technology

Solutions for those who don’t need innovation and can afford expensive systems.

1. Salesforce

2. SAP

3. Oracle

4. Bigcommerce

Best B2B ecommerce platforms for beginners 5. Amazon
6. Grainger
7. DHGate
8. Pepperi
9. Woocommerce
10. Shopify
Good fit for SMBs that need innovation 11. NopCommerce
12. Znode
13. Magento
Virto Commerce for enterprises that need to innovate 14. Virto Commerce

When the B2B eCommerce Do Not Need Innovation

Sometimes, companies do not aim for innovations or believe their niche makes innovations impossible. In case you need robust OOTB features with no scaling and growth, try these monolith options. 

1. Salesforce

Salesforce Commerce Cloud is a cloud-centric enterprise ecommerce platform tailored for omnichannel interactions and customer services. A notable concern with Salesforce is its complete SaaS nature, rendering alterations tough post-upgrade. Given its premium pricing, the process of switching platforms can be notably strenuous.

Salesforce pros:

  • Extensive omnichannel marketing option
  • Powerful reporting
  • Integrates with over 1,000 other platforms (but is limited in API integrations)

Salesforce cons:

  • Expensive and complicated
  • Doesn’t offer creating new features.
  • Limits customizations and offers serious vendor-dependency. 

2. SAP

SAP Commerce Cloud (previously known as Hybris) is designed to streamline large businesses. Though it's a favored platform worldwide due to its comprehensive suite of features, certain aspects of SAP's offering struggle to stay current.

SAP pros:

  • SAP integrates well with other platforms from the SAP ecosystem.
  • Offers reach feature set.
  • Well-known brand.

SAP cons:

  • Certain functionalities feel antiquated.
  • Given its vastness, onboarding and support could span several quarters.
  • While already pricey with a vast feature set, any innovation is cost-prohibitive and long.
  • Crucially, SAP intends to cease support for its older systems by 2027.

Learn More About SAP and Alternatives

3. Oracle

Oracle Commerce is an old enterprise ecommerce software that offers easy integrations with third-party solutions. However, the solution seems outdated and fits businesses with no changes required only. It may come out of support soon (as the vendor proposes).

Oracle pros:

  • Comprehensive Analytics: Provides detailed insights and analytics, allowing B2B sellers to make data-driven decisions.
  • Multilanguage and Multicurrency Support: Ideal for B2B sellers serving an international clientele
  • Security: Strong security features ensure data protection and compliance, which is vital for B2B transactions. 

Oracle cons: 

  • Currently, it is not developed by the vendor anymore: no roadmap and features were released recently. 
  • Complexity: Oracle’s vast array of features can be overwhelming for those unfamiliar with such comprehensive systems.
  • Cost: The initial investment and ongoing maintenance costs can be high, especially for smaller businesses.
  • Integration Challenges: While Oracle does integrate with many systems, certain third-party solutions might require custom integration, which can be time-consuming.

4. Bigcommerce

BigCommerce offers the versatility to craft both basic and advanced online shops, boasting impressive features, adaptability, and efficiency. However, being a SaaS platform, it can pose difficulties in upgrades. A significant consideration for potential users is its pricing model: as your business expands, so do your costs.

Bigcommerce pros:

  • Versatility: Suitable for both basic and advanced online shops.
  • Excels with multichannel selling 
  • Performance: Reliable in terms of uptime and speed. 

Bigcommerce cons:

  • SaaS Limitations: Upgrading the platform can be challenging due to its Software-as-a-Service nature.
  • Pricing Model: Costs increase as your business scales, potentially making it more expensive for rapidly growing enterprises. 

Best B2B eCommerce Platforms for Beginners

5. Amazon

Amazon offers vast reach and built-in trust for B2B sellers. This is a great platform to start with if your customers are not too specific (you cannot sell planes on Amazon) and you need a wider audience to reach.

Amazon pros: 

  • Massive reach of various audience
  • Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) services that handle storage, packaging, and shipping for sellers. 
  • A seller account is easy to set up. 

Amazon cons: 

  • Dependence on Amazon. Amazon controls all marketing and innovations. The seller cannot customize their sales more than the platform allows it.
  • Amazon charges various fees. These can eat into profit margins. 
  • High competition: the platform is saturated with sellers. 

6. Grainger

Grainger offers a wide range of products on its digital platform and a user-focused digital experience that facilitates ordering and delivery tracking.

Grainger pros:

  • The user-focused digital platform makes it easier for sellers to reach clients.
  • Grainger offers value-added services like consultations and product expertise
  • Sellers gain access to a large existing pool of customers. 

Grainger cons:

  • B2B sellers may face intense competition within their niche.
  • There might be costs associated with selling on such a platform.
  • Brand identity and limited customization. 
  • High dependency: marketplaces control all customizations, and the seller cannot differentiate from competitors significantly. 

7. DHGate

DHgate is a Chinese cross-border ecommerce platform connecting wholesale sellers with global small to medium retailers.

DHGate pros:

  • Immediate access to a global audience.
  • DHgate's multilingual support can make it easier to reach non-English speaking clients.
  • The platform offers comprehensive catalog, search, and filtering options, and promotional features. 

DHGate cons:

  • Intense competition.
  • DHgate has associated fees for sellers, which could impact margins.
  • Over-reliance on DHgate might expose sellers to potential risks and have no capabilities to customize. 

8. Pepperi

Pepperi is designed specifically for brands and wholesalers. It offers mobile sales automation tools, a web-based storefront, and other useful features.

Pepperi pros:

  • Pepperi is dedicated solely to B2B, ensuring a focus on B2B-specific requirements.
  • It can seamlessly integrate with various ERP systems, CRMs, and accounting software, streamlining operations.
  • The platform allows to adapt the overall view of a business to any requirements, though doesn’t allow deep changes.

Pepperi cons:

  • Pricing: Depending on the features needed, the platform might be more expensive compared to simpler B2B solutions.
  • Integration Challenges: While Pepperi can integrate with various systems, the integration process might sometimes be complex or require expert help.
  • Dependency: Like any platform, over-reliance on Pepperi can pose challenges if the business needs to migrate to another solution in the future.

9. Woocommerce

WooCommerce, the leading open-source ecommerce solution, is favored by small to medium-sized businesses.

WooCommerce pros:

  • Enables the sale of both tangible and digital products.
  • A range of plugins are available to tailor your ecommerce site.
  • Robust community support that ensures the platform's longevity and provides necessary support.

WooCommerce Cons:

  • Exclusive to WordPress
  • Potential hidden costs
  • Doesn’t fit enterprises 

10. Shopify

Shopify is an intuitive and adaptable ecommerce platform perfect for B2B beginners, offering a range of customization choices and integrated B2B functionalities.

Shopify pros:

  • Tiered pricing, allowing small enterprises to begin with a foundational plan.
  • Embeds numerous SEO utilities. 

Shopify cons:

  • Added transaction costs, which could accumulate. 
  • For advanced tailoring, there might be limitations on basic plans.
  • Poor customization.

Good Fit for SMBs That Need B2B eCommerce Solution to Innovate

11. NopCommerce

nopCommerce is an ASP.NET ecommerce solution anchored in Microsoft's technological framework.

nopCommerce pros:

  • A robust community that exceeds 250,000 members, translating to a rich reservoir of shared knowledge and collective expertise. 
  • Regular biannual upgrades 
  • A wide range of built-in tools. 

nopCommerce cons: 

  • No extensibility framework, the upgrades can affect the new code significantly
  • Constrained CMS: While nopCommerce provides basic content management functionalities, it might fall short for those requiring a more robust CMS for extensive content endeavors. 
  • Platform Dependency: Being deeply rooted in Microsoft technologies means it primarily thrives on a Windows server environment, making it less adaptable for enthusiasts of other tech stacks like Java or PHP. 

Learn More About NopCommerce and Alternatives

12. Znode

Znode is a versatile e-commerce platform designed to construct niche-specific websites proficiently.

Znode pros: 

  • Endless possibilities for visual customization.
  • Robust personalization and branding.
  • Vast marketing capabilities. 

Znode cons: 

  • Absence of fortified transaction protocols and possibly weak security. 
  • Technical proficiency is required to read the code.

Learn More about Znode and Alternatives

13. Magento

Magento is known for its open-source code, which provides a modular approach, offering a vast realm of adaptability.   

Magento pros: 

  • Offers excellent customization of the frontend part. 
  • Many features, from marketing to customer support. 

Magento cons: 

  • Development expenses and innovation costs might be high. 
  • Magento has explicit hosting prerequisites. It recommends VPS, cloud, or dedicated server hosting.  

Learn More about Magento and Alternatives

14. Virto Commerce Is the B2B eCommerce Software for Enterprises That Need to Innovate

Virto Commerce is a technologically advanced .NET-based B2B ecommerce solution known for its unique atomic-like modulated architecture. Recognized as the best B2B ecommerce platform, it seamlessly integrates with numerous corporate IT applications, including ERP, CRM, CMS, and PIM. An open-source approach underlines Virto's culture, with code transparency evident on GitHub. The following features and capabilities make Virto unique and perfect software for B2B.

Virto Commerce pros: 

  • Open-source Approach: Virto's code is transparent and openly available on GitHub. 
  • Modular Atomic Architecture: Enables faster innovation, feature creation, and development. 
  • API-first Approach: A headless platform where all functionalities are accessible via API layers; including xAPI (GraphQL) and Rest API (OpenAPI). 

Virto Commerce cons: 

  • Primarily designed for unique business scenarios, which might not appeal to smaller companies. 
  • Built on a contemporary technological stack, necessitating a tech team well-versed in modern technologies like GraphQL.

Learn More about Virto Commerce vs Competitors

Case Studies of Successful B2B eCommerce Solutions Use

Here are some use cases and real Virto Commerce stories on how businesses can benefit from the correctly chosen B2B ecommerce platform. 


Heineken aspired for specialized portals tailored for their customers, distributors, and admins. Virto stepped in, transforming this aspiration into reality, amplifying Heineken's progression.

Emerging and niche Heineken markets have the ability to deploy Virto Commerce, venturing into online trading at just 35% of the original setup costs, even as the feature richness and overall proficiency augment. 

Virto Commerce permits individual market solutions to be adjusted and rebranded, all while staying true to Heineken's global standardized solution. This optimizes the rollout speed and fosters swift adoption. 

Bosch Thermotechnik

Rather than building its own ecommerce apparatus, Bosch Thermotechnik sought to invest in an existing solution.

Upon procuring a Bosch Thermotechnik item, customers can sign into the loyalty platform, record their purchases, and accumulate points in their user accounts. These points can subsequently be exchanged for a variety of rewards directly on the platform.

Such a mechanism empowers Bosch Thermotechnik with invaluable market insights, simultaneously offering customers enticing rewards and ensuring sustained engagement with the brand. 

Factors to Consider When Choosing a B2B eCommerce Platform

First of all, you have to decide what exactly your business needs and which features of the mentioned above are important for your company's growth. Let’s consider the most important things you should think about when choosing your perfect platform:

  • Modularity
  • Headless architecture and API-first approach
  • Integrations and third-party app support
  • Unique enterprise scenarios support
  • Extensibility framework
  • Localization and multi-regional support
  • Cloud-native approach
  • Open-source  
  • Personalization and customization readiness 


Many people aim to purchase something well-known with many features. Other companies aim to purchase something newest offering the latest technologies.

In the real world, yout best B2B ecommerce platform is exactly what your business needs. You can always choose robust SaaS solutions if you do not need innovation. If you need to scale and grow but budgets are not enough, start with marketplaces or some simple solutions. When it’s time for you to invest in the future, choose modern open-source solutions like Virto Commerce.

For constant growth and innovation readiness, you need to look for customization, modularity, integration capabilities, and more. Compare all the solutions mentioned right now to make a fully informed decision.

As the Virto Commerce team has comprehensively analyzed all the aforementioned B2B ecommerce platforms, our experts can easily assess the state of your business and advise on the best solution at the demo step. If your business is ready to innovate, it’s time to dive deeper into Virto Commerce capabilities. Reach out with your questions now, and we will show them all to you soon. 

Useful links:

  1. The global B2B ecommerce market size in 2023 is close to USD 10.09 billion and is expected to grow twice by 2030 (by USD 22 billion), — researchandmarkets.com.
  2. The APAC region makes up to 80% of all B2B ecommerce sales globally, — Statista.
  3. The USA grew its B2B ecommerce volume by 2 billion dollars in the 2019-2021, — Statista.
  4. B2B ecommerce volume is expected to reach 1.8 trillion US dollars in 2023, — Statista.
  5. B2B ecommerce major players are Amazon Business, DIYTrade, eBay, ChinaAseanTrade, and WorldTrade, — Mordorintelligence.
  6. The future of this market is an orientation on the buyer, artificial intelligence, and constant innovation, — Grandviewresearch.
  7. 71% of customers expect personalization, — McKinsey.
  8. 78% will repurchase from those who offered personalization, — McKinsey.
  9. 83% of marketers believe that personalization is challenging, but as we can see from the platform capabilities above, it all depends on what software you use, — Business to community.

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