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Last update: March 27, 2024

Build Automation

The vc-build tool streamlines various build scenarios for solutions based on VirtoCommerce. Its builder-server agnostic nature and cross-platform support make it adaptable to any CI/CD pipeline or local development setup.

vc-build CLI


To clean your bin, objects, and artifacts directories, run:

vc-build clean


To restore nuget dependencies, run:

vc-build restore
vc-build restore -NugetConfig <path to nuget config>


  • -NugetConfig: Specifies the path to the NuGet configuration file.


To compile .NET Core solution, run:

vc-build compile -configuration <Debug|Release>


  • -configuration <Debug|Release|CONFIGURATION>: Defines the build configuration. The default configuration for build on build server is Release, on the local machine is Debug, but you can override the build configuration settings in your project.


To compile the solution and execute all unit tests discovered from the projects located in the solution folder and satisfied by the mask *.Tests|*.Testing, run:

vc-build test (with no args)


  • -TestsFilter (optional): Allows filtering of tests based on criteria.

    vc-build Test -TestsFilter "Category!=IntegrationTest"

This command also generates a test coverage and overall stats report.

vc-build test

Starting test execution, please wait...
A total of 1 test files matched the specified pattern.
Passed!  - Failed:     0, Passed:    48, Skipped:     0, Total:    48, Duration: 4 s - VirtoCommerce.CatalogCsvImportModule.Tests.dll (netcoreapp3.1)

Calculating coverage result...
Generating report 'c:\Projects\VirtoCommerce\V3\Modules\vc-module-catalog-csv-import\.tmp\coverage.xml'
| Module                                    | Line   | Branch | Method |
| VirtoCommerce.CatalogCsvImportModule.Core | 77,17% | 73,38% | 72,83% |
| VirtoCommerce.CatalogCsvImportModule.Data | 56,47% | 52,15% | 56,86% |

|         | Line   | Branch | Method |
| Total   | 65,23% | 60,64% | 66,66% |
| Average | 66,81% | 62,76% | 64,84% |

Target             Status      Duration
Restore            Executed        0:04
Compile            Executed        0:08
Test               Executed        1:09
Total                              1:22


To build the module solution and create NuGet packages, run:

vc-build pack -configuration <Debug|Release> 

This command generates NuGet packages for projects with <IsPackable> set to True in the .csproj file.

The result of this target is NuGet packages that are stored in the artifacts path of the module's root folder. If you execute this target for the platform solution, the version is taken from Directory.Build.props. If you execute this target for a module solution, the version is taken from the module manifest file.


To push discovered NuGet packages to a server and publish them, run:

vc-build publishPackages -source <SOURCE> -apiKey <API_KEY>

It pushes the NuGet packages discovered in the artifacts folder to the server specified by the -source parameter and publishes them:

vc-build publishPackages -source C:\local-nuget 


  • -source <SOURCE>: Specifies the server URL. NuGet identifies a UNC or local folder source and simply copies the file there instead of pushing it using HTTP. If -source is not set the default NuGet server will be used.

  • -apiKey <API_KEY>: The API key for the server.


To pack build artifacts into a distribution bundle zip, ready for transfer or publication, run:

vc-build compress -configuration <Debug|Release>

This command puts the resulting zip into the artifact folder in the module root.

This target normally checks and excludes from the resulting zip all files which names are enumerated in these multiple sources:

  • global module.ignore file that is managed by the VirtoCommerce team.
  • local module.ignore file that is taken from the root folder of the module.
vc-build compress -configuration Release

Console output:

Target             Status      Duration
Clean              Executed        0:00
Restore            Executed        0:07
Compile            Executed        0:06
WebPackBuild       Executed        0:00
Test               Executed        0:05
Publish            Executed        0:01
Compress           Executed        0:01
Total                              0:23


  • -NugetConfig: Specifies custom path to nuget config files.

    vc-build Compress -NugetConfig <path to nuget config>


To execute docker login, run:

vc-build dockerlogin -DockerRegistryUrl <registry url> -DockerUsername <username> -DockerPassword <password>


To build docker image, run:

vc-build BuildImage -DockerfilePath ./dockerfile -DockerImageFullName myimage:tag


To push docker image to the remote registry, run:

vc-build PushImage -DockerImageFullName myimage:tag


To build and push docker image, run:

vc-build BuildAndPush -DockerRegistryUrl <registry url> -DockerUsername <username> -DockerPassword <password> -DockerfilePath ./dockerfile -DockerImageFullName myimage:tag


If you are already signed in to Docker CLI, you do not need to pass the DockerPassword parameter.