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Last update: February 28, 2024

Integration with SkyFlow

The Skyflow module facilitates seamless integration with SkyFlow, a Data Privacy Vault service, enabling secure payment processing within Virto Commerce Platform. This integration ensures compliance with industry standards for handling payment data securely while offering a unified experience for credit card transactions.

Source code

Latest release

Key Features

  • Unified Credit Card User Experience: Enhance user payment journeys with a consistent credit card transaction experience across multiple payment providers.
  • PCI Compliance: Ensure PCI compliance with SkyFlow, simplifying adherence to industry standards for secure payment data handling.
  • Integration with Virto Storefront: Seamlessly integrate with Virto Storefront to provide a cohesive e-commerce experience.
  • Flexible Customization: Utilize the flexibility of the Virto Commerce Native Extensibility Framework and SkyFlow to tailor integrations with a variety of payment providers to meet your specific requirements.
  • Optimized for Marketplaces: Streamline marketplace operations by effortlessly connecting with multiple Payment Service Providers, catering to diverse payment preferences for customers and suppliers.
  • Saved Credit Card (coming soon): Enhance convenience and checkout speed by offering customers the ability to securely save their credit card information for future transactions (upcoming feature).


  1. SkyFlow Account: Create and configure your SkyFlow Account to take full advantage of the module.
  2. Authorize.NET Account: Create and configure your Authorize.NET Account for seamless integration with the module.
  3. Installation: Install the SkyFlow Module to start using its powerful features and functionality.



1 Order Placement:

  • As a customer, I add items to my cart and proceed to checkout.
  • On the payment selection page, I see a Credit Card option.

2 Credit Card Payment Form:

  • I select the "Credit Card" payment method.
  • The frontend displays a Credit Card form built with PCI compliance and Skyflow integration, maintaining the current design of the platform.
  • I enter my Credit Card details securely into the form.

3 Tokenization Process:

  • I submit the form, and the payment process utilizes Skyflow for PCI-compliant Credit Card storage.
  • Skyflow tokenizes my Credit Card information securely.

4 Transaction Processing:

  • The tokenized Credit Card information is seamlessly integrated with Payment processing through SkyFlow.
  • The transaction is created successfully via Authorize.NET.

5 Payment Document Creation:

  • A Payment document is automatically created within Virto Commerce Payment Processing for the Credit Card transaction.
  • This Payment document includes all necessary details for tracking and processing the transaction within the Virto Commerce platform.

6 Saved Credit Card:

  • The Skyflow-generated token for Credit Card is stored within the Virto Commerce Payment document securely.
  • Virto Commerce can save the token and use later as a Saved Credit Card.


To integrate Skyflow with Virto Commerce for secure payment processing:

  1. Configure Skyflow.
  2. Configure Virto Commerce.

Configure Skyflow

Skyflow configuration includes creating:

  1. Roles.
  2. Authorize .NET connectors

Create Roles

To create a role:

  1. Sign in to Skyflow Portal.
  2. Create a system role named Vault Editor for frontend operations. This role will be responsible for sending card data to Skyflow.
  3. When creating a connection, the second system role is automatically generated and associated with the connection.

Create Authorize.NET Connectors

To create Authorize.NET connectors:

  1. Create a new connector.
  2. Modify Connector via RestAPI:
  3. If default connections are not suitable (e.g., mismatched card number format), modify the connector via RestAPI.
  4. Use the Update Outbound Connection endpoint to adjust the connector's configuration according to your requirements.
  5. Generate and save credentials file.

Configure Virto Commerce

Configuring Virto Commerce includes:

  1. Appsettings.json configuration.
  2. Virto Commerce back office setup.

Configure Appsettings.json

  1. Configure Skyflow Settings:
    • Update the appsettings.json file with Skyflow configuration under Payments:Skyflow section:
    • tokenURI: Ensure it is always set to
    • ClientSDK: Provide SkyflowCredentials including clientID, keyID, and privateKey from the loaded credentials file.
    • Connections: Register any number of Connections with their respective SkyflowCredentials.
  2. Default settings are configured in the appsettings.json under Payments/Skyflow/DefaultConnection. In our case, Authorize.NET.
  "Payments": {
    "Skyflow": {
      "tokenURI": "",
      "clientSDK": {
        "clientID": "b7eeb4df0007492cbef5bd1000000000",
        "keyID": "i24bb5b53c114f1c9531db69000000000",
        "privateKey": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY---TODO---END PRIVATE KEY-----"
      "Connections": {
        "Default": {
          "clientID": "ca2836c68afa4546b6e09b000000000",
          "keyID": "hd75811c6f4b4ed4835eda00000000",
          "privateKey": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY---TODO---END PRIVATE KEY-----"
      "DefaultConnection": {
        "connectionUrl": "",
        "name": "TODO:YOURID",
        "transactionKey": "TODO:YOUR_TRANSACTION_KEY"

Setup Virto Commerce Back Office

To setup Virto Commerce back office:

  1. Go to Virto Commerce Back Office and click Stores in the main menu.
  2. In the next blade, select a store.
  3. In the Store details blade, click on the Payment methods widget.

    Back office 1

  4. In the Payment methods blade, select SkyFlow.

  5. In the Edit payment method blade, activate the Skyflow payment method.
  6. In the same blade, click on the Settings widget.
  7. In the next blade, fill in the following properties:

    • VaultId and VaultUrl: Retrieve from the settings in Skyflow.
    • TableName: Specify the name of the table for storing Credit Card data.
  8. Click OK to save the changes.

    Back office 2

The SkyFlow payment method has been activated for the Store.


To customize the module:

  1. Integrate it with Payment Providers:
    • By default, the module supports Authorize.NET payment provider.
    • To integrate with another provider or implement custom orchestration:
      • Create a new Virto Commerce Module.
      • Implement IPaymentClient interface.
      • Register IPaymentClient in IPaymentClientFactory.
  2. Use SkyflowPaymentMethod class for:
    • initializePayment (in GraphQL): Returns a token for frontend operations.
    • authorizePayment: Invokes IPaymentClientFactory to obtain an instance of IPaymentClient for processing transactions using the required Connection.