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Last update: February 12, 2024


Card is a flexible and collapsible container component. The examples below illustrate how you can use the vc-card component to enhance your user interface.


Include the vc-card component in your Vue application, providing theming and enhanced functionality to your card inputs. Card is created with a header property and default slot as its content.


Create a basic static card with a labeled header as follows:

    <vc-card header="Card label"></vc-card>

To start using all the available card properties, specify the vc-card component when creating the schema. For example:

    id: "cardId",
    component: "vc-card",
    label: "Card label",
    fields: [
        // other schema components

As the card has the ability of deep nesting, you can add other cards or controls to it and create complex UI interfaces.

Card API

API empowers you to create dynamic and interactive card components to customize its appearance and behavior.

Basic Vue

Integrate the vc-card component into your Vue applications using a simple template.


To customize the appearance and behavior of cards, use the following props:

Name and Type Description
header {string} The header of the component.
icon {string} The icon associated with the component.
isCollapsable {boolean} Specification whether the component is collapsible.
isCollapsed {boolean} Specification whether the component is initially collapsed.
fill {boolean} Specification whether the content of the card should fill available space.
variant {"default"}, {"success"}, {"danger"} The variant of the component.


To enhance the content of the vc-card component, use the slot system:

Name Description
default Card content slot.
actions Slot for any customizable component to show in the right corner of the card header


To interact with the vc-card component, use the emitted events. The click event, triggered when the button is clicked, allows you to implement dynamic behaviors and responses within your application:

Name Parameters ReturnType Description
header:click void void Emitted when the header is clicked.
state:collapsed isCollapsedSta{boolean} void Emitted when the card is collapsed or expanded.

Dynamic Views

To dynamically integrate the vc-card component into your views, use the schema interface:

interface CardSchema {
    id: string;
    component: "vc-card";
    label: string;
    fields: ControlSchema[];
    action?: ButtonSchema & {
        method: string;
    collapsible?: boolean;
    visibility?: {
        method: string;
    horizontalSeparator?: boolean;

To incorporate the card into your dynamic applications, define the following properties:

Property and Type Description
id {string} The unique Id for vc-card component.
component {vc-card} Component used in schema.
label {string} Card label that is displayed in the header. Also available interpolation {} syntax based on current element context. You can specify the localization key for the label. Under the hood, vue-i18n is used.
fields {ControlSchema[]} Array of schemas for components that will be displayed inside the card.
action {ButtonSchema & {method: string}} Action button that is displayed in the top right corner of the card. Could be used to trigger some actions.
collapsible {boolean} Specification whether the card should be collapsed.
visibility {{method: string}} Visibility state for the component, could be used to hide the card based on some conditions. Method or variable should be defined in the blade scope and should return a boolean value.
horizontalSeparator {boolean} Adds a horizontal separator line after the component.


The card example with action button and fieldset component containing several inputs from vc-app project:

Card example

    id: "pricingCard",
        component: "vc-card",
        label: "Pricing",
        action: {
            id: "addPrice",
            component: "vc-button",
            content: "Add price",
            small: true,
            method: "addPrice",
        fields: [
            id: "pricesFieldset",
            component: "vc-fieldset",
            property: "prices",
            columns: 3,
            remove: {
                method: "removePrice",
            fields: [
                    id: "listPrice",
                    component: "vc-input-currency",
                    label: "List price",
                    property: "listPrice",
                    placeholder: "Set list price",
                    optionProperty: "currency",
                    optionValue: "value",
                    optionLabel: "title",
                    rules: {
                        required: true,
                        min_value: 0,
                    id: "salePrice",
                    component: "vc-input-currency",
                    label: "Sales price",
                    property: "salePrice",
                    placeholder: "Set product sales price",
                    optionProperty: "currency",
                    optionValue: "value",
                    optionLabel: "title",
                    id: "minQuantity",
                    component: "vc-input",
                    label: "Minimum quantity",
                    property: "minQuantity",
                    placeholder: "Enter product minimal quantity in order",
                    clearable: true,
                    rules: {
                        required: true,
                        min_value: 0,
                    variant: "number",