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Last update: February 1, 2024

Configuring Cache

Cache is commonly configured in the Caching section of the appsettings.json file:

Node Default or sample value Description
Redis Redis configuration. Includes the message channel to use and the number of retries.
  • true
  • false
  • Cache entries are retained based on the expiration settings.
  • Disables caching of application data for the entire application.
Used when ConnectionStrings:RedisConnectionString is not specified.
CacheSlidingExpiration "0:15:00" The cache entry will expire if it is not accessed for a specified amount of time.
Used when CacheAbsoluteExpiration is not defined.
CacheAbsoluteExpiration "0:5:00" The Cache entry will expire after a specified amount of time.
Used when RedisConnectionString is not specified.


 "Caching": {
       "CacheEnabled": true, 
       "CacheSlidingExpiration": "0:15:00", 
       //"CacheAbsoluteExpiration": "0:15:00"
"Redis": {
"ChannelName": "VirtoCommerceChannel",
"BusRetryCount": 3


CacheSlidingExpiration or CacheAbsoluteExpiration set a sliding or absolute expiration time for all cached application data that does not have a manually configured expiration value.