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Last update: April 11, 2024

registerByInvitation mutation

This mutation is used to register a user by invitation.


The InputRegisterByInvitationType! represents the input object for registering a user through an invitation.

Field Description
userId String! The Id of the user receiving the invitation.
token String! The invitation token used to validate and authorize the registration process.
firstName String! The first name of the user being registered.
lastName String! The last name of the user being registered.
phone String The phone number of the user being registered.
username String! The username chosen by the user being registered.
password String! The password chosen by the user being registered.
customerOrderId String The customer order Id to be associated with this user.
It triggers the transferOrder command and associates the order with the provided userId.

Possible returns

Possible return Description
CustomIdentityResultType The outcome of identity-related operations.
mutation registerByInvitation($command: InputRegisterByInvitationType!) {
registerByInvitation(command: $command) {
"command": {
    "userId": "testuserid",
    "token":  "This is token",
    "firstName":  "firstName",
    "lastName": "lastName",
    "username": "testUserName",
    "password": "TestPassword"