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Last update: February 12, 2024

Dynamic Property

Dynamic property allows to display a dynamic properties controls set.


Include the vc-dynamic-property component in your Vue application, providing theming and enhanced functionality to your image inputs.

Create a basic component as follows:

        v-for="item in properties"

To start using all the available dynamic property properties, specify the vc-dynamic-properties component when creating the schema. For example:

    id: "dynamicPropertyId",
    component: "vc-dynamic-properties",
    property: "dynamicPropertyProperty",
    exclude: ["propertyToExclude"],
    include: ["propertyToInclude"],

Dynamic Properties API

API empowers you to create a dynamic and interactive dynamic component to customize its appearance and behavior.


To customize the appearance and behavior of your component, use the following props:

Property and Type Description
property {T} The property type.
modelValue {any} The value of the model.
optionsGetter {(property: T, keyword?: string, locale?: string) => Promise | any[]} A function that retrieves the options for the property.
required {boolean} Indicates if the property is required.
multivalue {boolean}, {undefined} Indicates if the property supports multiple values.
multilanguage {boolean}, {undefined} Indicates if the property supports multiple languages.
currentLanguage {string}, {undefined} The current language for the property.
valueType {string} The type of the property value.
dictionary {boolean}, {undefined} Indicates if the property is a dictionary.
name {string} The name of the property.
optionsValue {string}, {undefined} The property value to use as the option value.
optionsLabel {string}, {undefined} The property value to use as the option label.
displayNames {{ name?: string; languageCode?: string; }[]} An array of display names for the property. Each display name can have a name and a language code.
rules {{ min?: number; max?: number; regex?: string; }} Validation rules for the property.
disabled {boolean}, {undefined} Indicates if the property is disabled.
placeholder {string}, {undefined} The placeholder text for the property.


To effectively interact with the component, use the emitted events.

Event Parameters Description
update:modelValue data: Emitted when the value of the model changes.

Dynamic Views

To dynamically integrate the vc-dynamic-properties component into your views, use the schema interface:

interface DynamicPropertiesSchema {
    id: string;
    component: "vc-dynamic-properties";
    property: string;
    exclude?: string[];
    include?: string[];
    disabled?: {
        method: string;
    visibility?: {
        method: string;

To incorporate the component into your dynamic applications, define the following properties:

Property and Type Description
id {string} The unique Id for vc-dynamic-properties component.
component {vc-dynamic-properties`} Component used in schema.
property {string} Property name that is used for binding dynamic properties value to blade data.
Supports deep nested properties like property[1].myProperty.
Additionally, you have the flexibility to bind computed property that returns a value. Computed property should be defined in the blade scope.
exclude {string[]} An array of property names to exclude from the dynamic properties schema.
include {string[]} An array of property names to include in the dynamic properties schema.
disabled {{method: string}} Disabled state for component, could be used to disable dynamic properties based on some conditions. Method or variable should be defined in the blade scope and should return a boolean value.
visibility {{method: string}} Visibility state for component, could be used to hide dynamic properties based on some conditions. Method or variable should be defined in the blade scope and should return a boolean value.