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Last update: February 14, 2024

StoreSettingsType object

The StoreSettingsType represents the settings configuration for a store.


Field Description
quotesEnabled Boolean! A boolean indicating whether quotes are enabled for the store.
subscriptionEnabled Boolean! A boolean indicating whether subscriptions are enabled for the store.
taxCalculationEnabled Boolean! A boolean indicating whether tax calculation is enabled for the store.
anonymousUsersAllowed Boolean! A boolean indicating whether anonymous users are allowed in the store.
isSpa Boolean! A boolean indicating whether the store is a single-page application (SPA).
emailVerificationEnabled Boolean! A boolean indicating whether email verification is enabled for the store.
emailVerificationRequired Boolean! A boolean indicating whether email verification is required for the store.
createAnonymousOrderEnabled Boolean! A boolean indicating whether creating anonymous orders is enabled for the store.
seoLinkType String! The type of SEO link used for the store.