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Last update: February 12, 2024


Table is a component that displays data in a tabular format. It is used to display large amounts of data in a structured format.


Include the vc-table component in your Vue application:


Create a basic table as follows:

    <vc-table :columns="tableColumns" state-key="tableStorageKey" :items="tableItems"></vc-table>

To start using all the available table properties, specify the vc-table component when creating the schema. For example:

    id: "tableId",
    component: "vc-table",
    property: "tableItems",
    columns: [
            id: "imageUrl",
            title: "Img",
            width: 60,
            class: "pr-0",
            type: "image",
        // ...

Table API

API empowers you to create dynamic and interactive table components to customize its appearance and behavior.

Basic Vue

You can easily incorporate the vc-table component into your Vue applications using simple templates.


To customize the appearance and behavior of table, use the following props:

Property and Type Description
columns {ITableColumns[]} Array of table columns. Required.
items {T[]} Array of table items. Default: []. Required.
itemActionBuilder {((item: T) => IActionBuilderResult[])} Function to build item actions.
sort {string} Sort key for the table.
multiselect {boolean} Enable multiselect for the table.
expanded {boolean} Prop to pass from expanded blade prop. Default: true
totalLabel {string} Label for the total count of items.
totalCount {number} Total count of items. Default: 0
pages {number} Number of pages in the table. Default: 0
currentPage {number} Current page in the table. Default: 0
searchPlaceholder {string} Placeholder text for the search input.
searchValue {string} Value of the search input.
loading {MaybeRef} Loading state of the table.
empty {StatusImage} Image, text and action to display when the table is empty.
notfound {StatusImage} Image, text and action to display when no items are found.
header {boolean} Enable table header. Default: true
footer {boolean} Enable table footer. Default: true
activeFilterCount {number} Count of active filters. Default: 0
selectedItemId {string} ID of the selected item.
pullToReload {boolean} Enable pull-to-reload functionality.
resizableColumns {boolean} Enable resizable columns. Default: true
reorderableColumns {boolean} Enable reorderable columns. Default: false
reorderableRows {boolean} Enable reorderable rows. Default: false
stateKey {string} Key to store the table state. Required.
selectAll {boolean} Enable select all functionality.


To interact with the vc-table component, use the emitted events.

Name Parameters ReturnType Description
paginationClick page: number void Emitted when the pagination is clicked.
selectionChanged values: T[] void Emitted when the selection is changed.
search:change value: string \| number \| Date \| null \| undefined void Emitted when the search value changes.
headerClick item: ITableColumns void Emitted when a table header is clicked.
itemClick item: T void Emitted when a table item is clicked.
scroll:ptr - void Emitted when the table is scrolled to the pull-to-reload position.
row:reorder args: { dragIndex: number; dropIndex: number; value: T[] } void Emitted when a table row is reordered.
select:all values: boolean void Emitted when the select all functionality is triggered.


To enhance the content of the vc-table component, use the slot system:

Name Type Description
header (props: any) => any Slot for header
filters (args: { closePanel: () => void }) => any Slot for filters
mobile-item (args: { item: T }) => any Slot for mobile item template
header_${string} (props: any) => any Dynamic column header slot
item_${string} (args: { item: T; cell: ITableColumns }) => any Dynamic column item slot
notfound (props: any) => any Slot for not found
empty (props: any) => any Slot for empty
footer (props: any) => any Slot for footer

Dynamic Views

To dynamically integrate the vc-table component into your views, use the schema interface:

interface TableSchema {
    id: string;
    component: "vc-table";
    property: string;
    multiselect?: boolean;
    header?: boolean;
    footer?: boolean;
    columns?: ITableColumns[];
    reorderableRows?: boolean;
    mobileTemplate?: {
        component: string;
    notFoundTemplate?: {
        component: string;
    emptyTemplate?: {
        component: string;
    visibility?: {
        method: string;

interface ITableColumns {
    id: string;
    width?: number | string;
    field?: string;
    alwaysVisible?: boolean;
    type?: "money" | "date-ago" | "date" | "time" | "date-time" | "image" | "status" | "status-icon" | "number" | "link";
    sortable?: boolean;
    class?: string;
    format?: string;
    align?: "start" | "end" | "center" | "between" | "around" | "evenly";
    title: string;
    sortable?: boolean;
    type?: string;
    customTemplate?: GridTemplateOverride;
        | boolean
        | { method: string; };

To incorporate the table into your dynamic applications, define the following properties:

Property Description
id {string} The unique Id for vc-table component.
component {string} vc-table
property {string} Property name that is used for binding table value to blade data.
Supports deep nested properties like property[1].myProperty.
Additionally, you have the flexibility to bind computed property that returns a value. Computed property should be defined in the blade scope.
multiselect {boolean} Enable multiselect for the table.
header {boolean} Enable table header. Default: true
footer {boolean} Enable table footer. Default: true
columns {ITableColumns[]} Array of table columns. Each column has properties like id, title, sortable, alwaysVisible, type, customTemplate, visible.
reorderableRows {boolean} Enable reorderable rows. Default: false
mobileTemplate {{component: string}} Mobile template for the table.
notFoundTemplate {{component: string}} Not found template for the table.
emptyTemplate {{component: string}} Empty template for the table.
visibility {{component: string}} Visibility state for the table.