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Last update: March 19, 2024

ProductType object

The productType field represents the type or category of the product. It is used to classify products into different categories or types, allowing for easier organization and filtering within the catalog.


Field Description
id String! The product Id.
code String! The SKU of the product.
catalogId String The catalog Id.
productType String The type of product.
minQuantity Int The minimum quantity that can be ordered for the product.
maxQuantity Int The maximum quantity that can be ordered for the product.
outline String The hierarchical outline.
slug String The URL slug for the product, related to the request.
name String! The name of the product.
seoInfo SeoInfo Request related SEO info.
descriptions(...) DescriptionType Additional descriptions of the product.
description(...) DescriptionType A description or review associated with the product.
category Category The category to which the product is associated.
imgSrc String The URL or path to the main image of the product.
outerId String The external Id of the category to which the product belongs.
gtin String Global Trade Item Number.
brandName String The brand name associated with the product.
masterVariation VariationType The main variation of the product.
variations VariationType A list of variations available for the product.
hasVariations Boolean Indicates whether the product has variations or not.
availabilityData AvailabilityData Information about the availability of the product.
images ImageType The images associated with the product.
price PriceType The price of the product.
prices PriceType A list of prices associated with the product.
minVariationPrice PriceType The minimum price among the product's variations.
properties(...) Property The properties associated with the product.
keyProperties(...) Property The properties associated with the product. The keyProperties field can be limited by the take argument.
assets Asset The assets associated with the product.
outlines OutlineType A list of category outlines.
breadcrumbs Breadcrumb The breadcrumbs representing the product's position.
vendor CommonVendor The vendor associated with the product.
inWishlist Boolean! Indicates whether the product is in the user's wishlist or not.
associations(...) ProductAssociationConnection The associations or relationships of the product with other products. This field is resolved using the object.
videos(...) VideoConnection The videos associated with the product.


query {
    storeId: "B2B-store"
    cultureName: "en-US"
  ) {
    items {
      keyProperties(take: 3) {
        propertyDictItems {
          pageInfo {
          items {
      minVariationPrice {
"data": {
  "products": {
    "items": [
        "keyProperties": [],
        "minVariationPrice": {
          "amount": 100.0,
          "currency": "USD"
        "keyProperties": [],
        "minVariationPrice": {
          "amount": 150.0,
          "currency": "USD"

Configuring keyProperties

To make a catalog property appear in the keyProperties list:

  1. Open the platform and go to the Catalog module.
  2. Click the three dots next the name of the required catalog and select Manage from the dropdown menu.
  3. Selects the Properties widget.
  4. In the new blade, select the Product property from a list.
  5. In the Manage property blade select Attributes.
  6. Add the KeyProperty attribute to Current attributes.KeyProperties are automatically sorted in ascending order based on the attribute value.
