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Anyone starting their business online thinks about efficiency and security rolled into one. In the modern online business, efficiency is always about cloud solutions, which work faster and provide more capabilities and greater performance. But how do you choose a cloud platform when you need both fast public space and must keep some of your data secured?
In our comprehensive article about B2B multicloud platforms, we will provide a clear understanding of what is multicloud and hybrid, how they work, the difference between cloud and multicloud, and why it is important to choose between them wisely. The material includes a comparison of TOP B2B multicloud platforms such as IBM Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and AWS.
All cloud models can be defined as single-cloud or multi-cloud, depending on how many cloud servers they use to host their software and data. These models can be split into public, private, and hybrid cloud approaches depending on which servers they are based on, and which supplementary platforms they have. Let’s discover it all deeper.
This is a close term to the single-tenant vs. multi-tenant difference. The main reason why the multicloud model differs from a single-cloud one is that the company uses more than one cloud server. For example, the business has two cloud environments based on different servers and probably belonging to different service providers. When such cloud environments are both public (delivered over an open public network), this can be related to a simple multicloud management platform. Once at least one of these clouds becomes private (solely used by one organization, with servers belonging to it) and other clouds are public, the architecture becomes hybrid.
The difference between the single-cloud and multicloud approach
One of the examples of multicloud architecture is Netflix. It always used cloud services to deliver its materials to users, but for a long time, the company used Amazon Web Services (AWS) only (so the architecture was single-cloud). Now, Netflix uses Goggle Cloud as well, so it means that at least two cloud providers are involved in Netflix's daily routine, and now its architecture is multicloud.
The Netflix architecture described above is definitely multicloud, but not hybrid as all the servers it uses are public (at least the ones we know about). Many companies prefer keeping their data in a separate safe space, particularly regarding personal data or sensitive and confidential materials. This is the moment when besides the private cloud that can be built on some random server and belong to a third party, the business only needs its own private cloud for employees. In this case, the architecture becomes hybrid as the company purchases both public and private servers.
So, when the company uses multiple public and private (either on-premises or hosted) cloud environments, the architecture is referred to as a hybrid. Hybrid multi-cloud offers greater flexibility and control over an IT infrastructure while also leveraging the advantages of public cloud services.
A B2B multicloud platform is an environment where the business can use various capabilities from several vendors offering cloud services. B2B businesses use multicloud solutions to meet their specific business needs. Multiple vendors allow centralized access to all the needed features to reach business goals faster.
How B2B Multicloud platforms work
As mentioned above, together with various capabilities, multicloud platforms provide increased flexibility, better performance, improved reliability, cost optimization, and better security. Let’s dive into each of them:
Implementing a multicloud platform for B2B organizations can be complex and presents several challenges and considerations. Here are some of the key challenges to keep in mind:
Integration of different cloud platforms requires specific skills and some programming knowledge. Most probably, you will need a specific team or trusted vendor to put it all together.
As all the clouds will be connected, you have to ensure that each of the providers complies with the same set of minimum rules and requirements regarding safety and organize strong gates between the platforms.
Cost management can be complicated. While modern systems should be able to provide all the cost details in a centralized way, many platforms still do not support this connection, so you would have to control the costs related to each vendor separately. And do not forget about the data transferring related expenses!
Compliance and process management. Working with several vendors, the business has to ensure each of them has proper processes and procedures, including contracts and SLAs.
Starting a multicloud business requires a careful evaluation of these factors. However, suppose at least one of the Vendors supports easy integration like Virto and offers API connections allowing for easier control and management. In that case, these challenges are not as complicated as they seem.
When choosing a B2B multicloud model, ensure each vendor can provide features and capabilities to ensure the whole system will work seamlessly. Here are the characteristics to look for:
As technology evolves, more and more companies support the multicloud approach today. Here, we’ve collected the most popular ones and explained why some of them are still not so perfect for choosing.
1. IBM Cloud
The platform offers a wide range of services, including infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS). It looks ideal for businesses that need to analyze large amounts of data. However, while being the first to choose for many companies, IBM can be called an outdated solution due to its rigid approach to updates and compliance with the latest trends. While providing great out-of-the-box features, the system can be slow in innovations, not offering fast enough time-to-value for those who want to grow fast.
2. Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure is the second B2B multicloud management platform businesses replatform to when choosing a multicloud approach. While offering automatic load balancing, identity and access management, data encryption, and autoscaling features, Microsoft Azure backups take a really long, which provides a risk of losing some important data.
3. Amazon Web Services (AWS)
AWS is one of the most popular platforms used today. It is known for its high level of scalability and cost-effectiveness, with features such as pay-as-you-go pricing and automatic scaling. While being highly functional, the platform price policy is not too much transparent: you will need a team of knowledgeable experts to manage it, but if you need any support, the support price will be set by Amazon separately, so you cannot predict your spending on this platform.
4. Google Cloud Platform
Google Cloud Platform offers such features as automatic scaling and load balancing, data encryption, and access controls. While providing great scalability, the platform is not too customizable: you will have to adapt all your processes to work on the platform. Otherwise, the difference in your workflow can cause issues that will take time to resolve.
5. Oracle Cloud
Oracle Cloud is often used in the multicloud approach as it provides advanced analytics and machine learning capabilities. However, it has some integration issues. While it supports Rest API, the often errors at the stage of integration make it challenging to start using the system. And the support can be really slow to help.
6. VMware Suite
VMware Suite, in turn, offers a high level of flexibility and scalability, with workload portability and application modernization. However, this is a perfect solution for those who already own a strong system with good resources, as the solution's performance highly depends on the user’s hardware and resources.
7. Virto Commerce Cloud
Among all the solutions mentioned, Virto Commerce Cloud offers the fastest time-to-value and time-to-market. This is a headless, extensible, API-based, and scalable B2B ecommerce platform that offers everything from B2B catalog to loyalty and procurement. Quick backups and patch delivery, transparent pricing, and easy integration due to API-native architecture make it perfect to base all other clouds and platforms on it.
A new B2B Multicloud platform is a challenge! It requires careful planning and execution to ensure that it will deliver the desired benefits. To choose the correct vendor that will help you build a perfect system easily integrating with more and more vendors, if necessary, you should care about some important points:
Step 1. Build a clear cloud and integration strategy
Define the types of workloads and applications to move to the cloud, assess which services will be used, how deep the security should be, how many clouds you will need, and how strong the integration between them should be.
Step 2. Select the right vendor
Choose the ones that meet your business needs and requirements:
If the vendor is strong in security, offers SLAs, knows what you ask for, and offers future-proof capabilities, this is the one.
Step 3. Ensure the system has everything you need.
Learn as much as you can about the system. A good way to do it is by interviewing your future vendor. Here. We offer the good questions to ask your multicloud application platform vendor about:
By following these steps, you most possibly will reach a great result. Never hesitate to ask your future vendor about their capabilities: even the interview itself can show how much the vendor fits you.
B2B Multicloud Platforms are continuously evolving. The ones who stick to this approach now will definitely benefit in the future. Here, we’ve collected some emerging trends about B2B Multicloud solutions:
Adopting a B2B Multicloud Platform is not just a trend: today, it seems to be the essential approach to consider. Replatforming to the solution that can support a multicloud system can become a starting point for business growth, either simple ecommerce, B2B dropshipping or another, as you will improve security, reliability, and performance.
The most important step is choosing the platform to start with. In the modern market that changes daily, flexibility and readiness for innovations become key points to look for. That is why by choosing a composable future-proof solution like Virto, you can buy a guarantee of your future marketability, whatever other cloud vendors you choose.
To start the journey, simply plan a meeting with our expert team or request a free demo to learn more about where to start with your new multicloud platform.